Pirche AG

PIRCHE AG, headquartered in Berlin, is the exclusive supplier of PIRCHE technology. The company offers its customers the appropriate services via its PIRCHE web portal.

PIRCHE primarily targets the more than 4,500 transplants clinics worldwide and more specifically the attached histocomparability and immunology labs. The business is based on matching fees per transplants case – both HSCT and SOT – which are carried out on the PIRCHE portal. PIRCHE is a transition phase to convert more of its over 400 research users into commercial customers.

Role in the ULISES project

PIRCHE AG supports the project with analyses and simulations around the immunocompatibility between introduced HLA and the patient’s immune system. During the design phase, these analyses’results will guide the selection of antigens to induce in order to cover the majority of the patient population. In a clinical setting, PIRCHE will provide the tools to select a specific antigen line that induces the strongest immune reaction, so the desired medication performs best.

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